Well, If you’re a reader of this blog, you will have noticed it was offline for a while, and now the address has changed slightly, and a number of the posts are missing.
In a fit of total frustration with JCS hosting which has deteriorated markedly over the past year, I have now moved the last piece off of their system and over to GreenGeeks, but in doing so the DB backup isn’t compatible as WordPress did a major upgrade in the midst and for a few other technical reasons.
So I still have all the posts in MarsEdit, but I can’t just bulk upload them to a new blog unfortunately. I’m posting them across and editing the publication dates back to their originals as I go, so I should have everything back up and running in a few more days. Then I’ll get things sorted more fully.
I’ve decided to drop the old static home page of the last millennium and move to a pure WordPress-oriented site. Simpler, cleaner and the content that updates the most, being the blog, becomes the centrepiece. I hope you will enjoy the new format and bear with me while I finish the migration.
Nice veb site. Dids ye drives or dids ye flews?
Yous don’t happens to haves any sanviches for sales dids ya?